50 Steps With Jesus: Learning to Walk Daily With The Lord is a marvelous tool for helping new or young in the faith believers to learn to walk with the Lord. This is best accomplished with a shepherd helping you.
This is very exciting! If you do not have a shepherd to guide you, still use your Believer's Guide and learn with the Lord. You may have someone in your life who can help you. If not, contact us through the website contact page.
You will be guided over the 50 day journey learning the simple, elementary, basic things of what it means to be a Christian. You will learn how the Holy Spirit uses prayer, the Word, and the Church to help you grow. You will learn to fall in love with your Savior and journey with Him the rest of your life. It is life changing…seriously life changing.
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This guide is designed to help train shepherds, give them encouragement, and provide ideas for each day's contact so that their student will learn how to walk in their faith. In this guide Shepherd's will learn how to lead their new believer, ideas to focus on during their face-to-face times, and insight into the weekly lesson themes.