God's Greater Grace

Praying the Word

Welcome to the Praying God's Word Ministry Site!

We love this ministry because it is such an encouragement to believers to be able to pray to God using His Word, the Bible.  

This page has four links that will help you pray God's Word.


Click on the colored text in the four lines below, and it will take you to your desired page.

Marsha teaches through a video and a sample devotional how to pray using the Bible.

There are 1,464 daily prayer devotionals posted on this site.  

Watch a video from Marsha on the purpose and development of these 366 day devotional prayer books.  The Watchman on the Wall Series is complete with WOW 4!

These books are available to purchase today.  Including the e-versions, The Watchman on the Wall series is.  If you are buying in large quantities, wholesale, or for ministries, please contact us for more information.  Our publication company, Xaris Publications, LLC, is a member of the Christian Booksellers Association.

Thank you for visiting this site!

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