Walking Daily With The Lord is a marvelous way to learn to follow Jesus. You may be a believer or a shepherd, God will transform you! God bless you for helping new and young in the faith believers be able to walk with the Lord. Ideally, the new believer will have a shepherd that will guide them daily over their 50 day journey learning the simple, elementary, basic things of what it means to be a Christian.
They will learn how the Holy Spirit uses prayer, the Bible, and the Church to help them be fruitful Christians. They learn to fall in love with their savior and journey with Him all of their lives. 50 Steps is life changing…seriously life changing.

You will be guided over the 50 day journey learning the simple, elementary, basic things of what it means to be a Christian. You will learn how the Holy Spirit uses prayer, the Word, and the Church to help you grow. You will learn to fall in love with your Savior and journey with Him the rest of your life. It is life changing…seriously life changing.

50 STEPS WITH JESUS -Women's Ministry Union Edition
This guide is designed to help train shepherds, give them encouragement, and provide ideas for each day's contact so that their student will learn how to walk in their faith. In this guide Shepherd's will learn how to lead their new believer, ideas to focus on during their face-to-face times, and insight into the weekly lesson themes.
This is the Believer's Guide for Spanish speaking believers.
See Shepherd's guide below.
Order your books below.

50 STEPS WITH JESUS - Spanish Edition
This guide is designed to help train shepherds, give them encouragement, and provide ideas for each day's contact so that their student will learn how to walk in their faith. In this guide Shepherd's will learn how to lead their new believer, ideas to focus on during their face-to-face times, and insight into the weekly lesson themes.
Chinese Editions
Chinese Edition

50 STEPS WITH JESUS - Chinese Edition
s There are 100 sets of Believer's and Shepherds Guides. They are $25.00 for the sets. 'This guide is designed to help train believers and shepherds, give them encouragement, and provide ideas for each day's contact so that their student will learn how to walk in their faith. In this guide Shepherd's will learn how to lead their new believer, ideas to focus on during their face-to-face times, and insight into the weekly lesson themes.

50 STEPS WITH JESUS - Student Edition
This guide is designed to help train shepherds, give them encouragement, and provide ideas for each day's contact so that their student will learn how to walk in their faith. In this guide Shepherd's will learn how to lead their new believer, ideas to focus on during their face-to-face times, and insight into the weekly lesson themes.

50 STEPS WITH JESUS - Men's Edition
This guide is designed to help train shepherds, give them encouragement, and provide ideas for each day's contact so that their student will learn how to walk in their faith. In this guide Shepherd's will learn how to lead their new believer, ideas to focus on during their face-to-face times, and insight into the weekly lesson themes.

This guide is designed to help train shepherds, give them encouragement, and provide ideas for each day's contact so that their student will learn how to walk in their faith. In this guide Shepherd's will learn how to lead their new believer, ideas to focus on during their face-to-face times, and insight into the weekly lesson themes.